Category Archives: potd


Daddy and I wrestle sometimes. I pin him a bunch because he is weak but sometimes he wins too. I am learning to spell with my phonics letters, they sing and help me pronounce letters. They are so much fun I can hardly bear it.

Mary stuck in a leg lock by daddy. Mary laying on the floor playing with her phonics letter magnets.

Playing Outside With Mommy

Today Mommy and I played outside. It is getting warmer and warmer. Mommy says that this happens every year around this time. It is called a Season. Who knew?

Mary sitting in the driveway in her white floppy hat and white vest.

Easter Hunny

I had my first Easter and E. Bunny brought me a nice dress, some toys and some candy. I loved the dress, but I was even more interested in this strange “grass” in the basket E. brought me along with some plastic eggs that made fun noises when I shake them. E. also left some footprints to inspect. I wish he wouldn’t have wiped his feet on the back of my daddy’s black jacket.

Mary's easter gifts, A big plush chickie, some stackable rings, an easter basket, some books, a dress, and some blocks. Mary crawling and reaching out to her easter bunny easter basket while mommy is holding it just out of her reach. Mary in her dress wailing and crying. Mary sitting in her dress looking decidedly un-enthused.

Dining Out

I had breakfast at the Peak Grill the other day. I now, regularly, sit in a high chair by myself and eat food from my mommy and daddy’s plates.

Mary sitting in a highchair.  Her tongue is pushing out on her lower lip and her head is tilted back in a haughty manner. Mary with a plastic container of jam in her mouth. Mary is sitting in her high chair holding her spoon by the bowl with the handle in the air as if signaling a waitress.