Category Archives: video

Struttin’ My Stuff

So, I have a good video of me walking with my Mommy and Daddy but because my daddy forgot his camera at work we had to take it on the video camera and he doesn’t know how to get the videos off that onto the computer. Fortunately my teachers at took a good video of me at daycare struttin’ my stuff.


A Little Explanation

I thought that I should explain the previous post entitled “Jumpin’ Mary”. I think that, maybe, it presents an odd view of my parents.

You see it all started on Thursday which is my mommy’s half day. She picked me up early and daddy came home early because they both had an appointment. For some reason Daddy started running around the coffee table and mommy started chasing him. I was lying on the floor and I thought it was quite funny. Then daddy grabbed me and mommy was chasing both of us. Oh, how I laughed. So they, apparently thought that was all funny and we jumped and laughed for awhile.

Well I guess that doesn’t so much as make them look better as all of us look odd but there it is.