More Snow

We are getting another snow storm today. My daddy said that he is sick of shoveling the snow (I hope that I don’t catch it). Fortunately I am prepared for weather like this.

Mary sitting in the school buggy in her snow cap with ear flaps.

Playing at Home

So tonight I, totally, played with my toys. I cruised all around my plastic wall. I also did, like, 20 laps with my hippo. It was awesome. When mommy came home she played with me. I even gave her a ‘knuckle sandwich’. She didn’t tell me how it tasted.

Mary standing up behind her plastic tunnel with mesh walls while looking up at the camera. Mary with her hands on top of the plastic wall looking over the other side to mommy. Mary stretching over the wall with her fist in mommy's mouth.  It looks like she is punching her.

Playing in the Park

I went to the park over the weekend. It was pretty fun. I got to swing on the swing. I really enjoyed that, but mommy didn’t push me high enough. I went down three different slides but I really didn’t like them too much. I liked the Army truck the best. I got to drive! It was so cool.

Mary in her pink jacket with her hood up in a little kid's swing. Mary standing on the end of a slide. Mary on the side of the spring loaded Army truck looking down as if kicking the tires. Mary in a brown toy spring loaded Army truck in the park. Mary in the brown Army truck standing up with her hands on the front handle bar.

Busy Week

I have been very busy this week. I have started crawling on a regular basis. Tonight I had so much energy that I was crawling all around the house. I barely had time to get through my magazines.

Mary up on all fours crawling. Mary crawling under the coffee table through the magazine rack.

Finger Food

I’m eating some solid food now. You can see my “Graduates” finger food here along with some cheese that I don’t so much as eat as mush into a fine paste on my tray.

Mary eating graduates finger food.tasty Mary siting in her high chair eating a graduate finger food.

Hide and Seek

I have been eating different finger foods. Today was “Green Bean” day. I also played hide and seek. Unfortunately Jackson didn’t know that I was playing.

Mary with Green Beans all over the table in front of her and on her face.  She has a dopey 'stoned' look on her face. Mary under a little kids table on her belly.  She is peering out and you can only see her face. Mary with standing up supported on the back of a chair behind Jackson.  Jackson is ignoring her.